Patrick Kerti
Director – Village Underground Berlin
Schönleinstraße 3, Kreuzberg
10967 Berlin
Tel +49 (0) 30 6570 1398
Mob +49 (0)151 1078 1430
London Office:
54 Holywell Lane, Shoreditch
London EC2A 3PQ
Tel +44 (0) 207 422 7505
Village Underground is socially driven, a charitable organisation and environmentally conscious. Commercial uses directly support the production of new creative work and emerging cultural practitioners. This essential balance allows us to act as a stage - facilitating a vibrant and diverse cross section of creative endeavour, cultural hybrid and artistic collaboration.
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Designed by Company
Company London - Alex Swain, Chrysostomos Naselos
Clients include: Remap KM, UNIT Post Production, Tisdall Henshell Architects LLP, Chloe Vaitsou, Farida El Gazzar, ATH-LDN festival, Divercity Architecture, European Design Awards, The Larder Restaurant, Hayford and Rhodes, Ed-Awards, Village Underground, Russell Bestley